Saturday 18 October 2014

Three Sad People

I fell for her as soon as I saw her, as did the countless other people who saw her. Ask someone about her, and they be left searching for words to describe her. I was no different.  I was rushing for class when I first bumped into her, she smelled nice, like roses, I did not even realise what I had done until later in that class, I had just apologised in a hurry and left her down on the floor. I felt like a fool for doing that and eventually got kicked out of the class because I was lost in my own world.
I tried to search for her when I was kicked out, but I could not find her. It took 15 minutes of searching before I realised that she must have a class as well, so to cover up the class that I was kicked out off, I decided to go to the library and study there till the break. I had been running while I was searching for her and unconsciously I started running towards the library and bumped into her again. Her specs fell along with her books and I was to be blamed yet again. She fell on butt and was frowning and I knew I would never get to know her. I sighed and helped her up. I apologised to her again and more properly this time, but she did not seem to care. She moved away with swift strides and left me kneeling on the ground. I did read her name on her notebook and that was inscribed onto my brain now. Anamika.
The following week, I tried to forget all about her and eventually succeed in doing so, Anamika had become just a faint memory of a beautiful girl who I had bumped into twice within two hours. I had almost reached the stage where I had forgotten her name, that was till the batch party. It was my close friends to had managed to convince the authorities and the booked a club for us to go and take a break after our exams. I was happy because I would get to have a good time and completely forget about Anamika. I only wished that it would happen.
I was among the first ones to reach the club along with the organisers to help them set up the place. I was the in charge of keeping my friends in check. I was enjoying myself when she entered along with her friends. She stood out among the three dozen people who had arrived in her black dress. She wasn’t wearing her glasses and her hair  as if magically had started to curl and drop into place on her face making her look even more beautiful. I was dumbstruck and kept on gazing at her till my friends came and pointed out that I had started to drool, and eventually during the party, they found out about the infatuation that I had for her. 
During the party, I drank a shot or two and lost control of what was happening. I started dancing wildly with my friends and eventually we bumped into each other and she fell again. But instead of frowning, we both started laughing and exchanged pleasantries.I got to know a lot about her at the party and luckily remembered all about it the next morning. I was happy because I thought that now I could talk to her randomly and eventually be with her. I found her near the library, she was leaving with someone and she completely ignored me. She was laughing with him and he was with her.
I thought that she had probably not seen me and continued with my day. Through the next week, she ignored me. Every time I tried to talk to her, she’d be with that guy. I started to get angry and then I became jealous of him. The fact that they were together everywhere made me lose my cool, and it was not long before they got together and the entire campus was talking about it.
When my friends got to know, they came and tried to console me, trying to make me happy by taking me various parties throughout the city. Making me meet new people and making new friends. But my heart was set, and it had decided, if I couldn’t get her, no one should be able to it said, and I couldn’t agree more. I began plotting schemes to break up those two and move in when she’d be vulnerable. 
My opportunity arrived to me on a silver platter when I was attending yet another party with my friends and they arrived. There were a lot of pretty girls in the party and all I had to do what get the guy caught red handed in front of Anamika. I dared one of new found friends and she obliged. There was a huge scene at the party and the news that they had broken up spread like wild fire the next day. I though that this was perhaps the best moment to go and confess my feelings to her. 
On my way to her classroom, I found her, half in tears with the friend who helped me break them up. I did not know that Anamika was close friends with her and she now knew the entire thing. I approached her to talk, but she shouted and screamed at me, her anger then took the form tears. The guy that she was with shared the same feeling for her as I did but he could never approach her either because of the scene he caused at the party. I had done something really terrible and I found it hard to live then on.  Even after several apologies, nothing changed and the three go them continued to remain sad.

Saturday 4 October 2014

The Vanishing Boy

          This article is about a boy, a boy seen rarely outside by people. He was spotted rarely outside and even so in the dorm where he stayed. No one knew his room, I just knew that he existed. I would see him from time to time but for a very short span of time. I'd see him and he'd stare back and every time I'd turn around and leave that spot, he would disappear only to be found there the next day. Though I never spoke to him, there was a connection, a bond I had never felt with anyone else before. If I laughed, he'd laugh with me, if I cried, he'd cry with me. We never spoke, so I wanted to ask him where disappeared to everyday, but he would not answer. He would just stare back and my question would echo right back at me. I watched him work at times because it was amusing to see a person perform tasks that I did with my right hand with his left hand. Just to watch him use his right hand, I would use my left hand and watch him struggle as I did. But then again how could I expect him to be real and answer my questions and have a conversation with me. He was just a reflection in the mirror who would disappear as soon as I moved away from the mirror and reappear when I stood in front of the mirror.