Saturday 4 October 2014

The Vanishing Boy

          This article is about a boy, a boy seen rarely outside by people. He was spotted rarely outside and even so in the dorm where he stayed. No one knew his room, I just knew that he existed. I would see him from time to time but for a very short span of time. I'd see him and he'd stare back and every time I'd turn around and leave that spot, he would disappear only to be found there the next day. Though I never spoke to him, there was a connection, a bond I had never felt with anyone else before. If I laughed, he'd laugh with me, if I cried, he'd cry with me. We never spoke, so I wanted to ask him where disappeared to everyday, but he would not answer. He would just stare back and my question would echo right back at me. I watched him work at times because it was amusing to see a person perform tasks that I did with my right hand with his left hand. Just to watch him use his right hand, I would use my left hand and watch him struggle as I did. But then again how could I expect him to be real and answer my questions and have a conversation with me. He was just a reflection in the mirror who would disappear as soon as I moved away from the mirror and reappear when I stood in front of the mirror.


  1. ...I know his room could have just asked me....xP
