Sunday 20 April 2014

I Wonder

           I used to watch a lot of cartoons when I was young, actually when I think about it, I used to watch a lot of cartoons, anyway coming back to this blog, I vaguely remember some cartoon in which the bad guy said that he'd reform the universe in his own image which got me thinking.
         What if this universe or putting it mildly the earth that we live in is made is the image of someone? I mean look at the various time periods in history, we started of with a big bang, someone got banged, mistook it for gas and pop cane out the planets and the starts and the planet earth fell into place. For some time, it was still and had little to no movement inside till it decided to start moving around and make things inside it. Earth came to life with a simple cell, which evolved into various other species.
          As a toddler, Earth was rather peaceful and would stay busy in itself evolving more and more species. As it grew older, a little more intelligent creatures like us humans came into the picture, but we weren't smart back then. The Earth astounded us and gave us everything required for our survival. The Earth had everyone under check back then and was more organised as a child, the bacteria made its own food, the algae ate bacteria, the fish ate the algae, then came us Humans eating smaller animals and plants and at times if we got lucky we ate a dino, and then dinos ate us and they weren't large in numbers (the carnivores) so everything was balanced.
         Then somehow our planet got a cold and we had an ice age for some time, and also I think that there was this asteroid that wiped out the dodo, and other big dinosaurs. Earth was careless and we humans took control of the planet. Somehow because of the disappearance of the dinosaurs and the dodo, we started roam and soon we were everywhere.
         The Earth soon hit puberty and became rebellious in nature and made the humans rebellious too as soon there were wars, people fighting to rule the world, more wars and death everywhere, people learned about democracy and others things after the death of millions of people. Also the Earth got sick once again and the plague swept a large part of the Earth's population.
         The adolescence passed and the Earth became stable again and the humans rebuild whatever was left after the war. Now that we are in the 21st century, I like to think about it as the Earth is 21 years old and is now giving humans ideas for a better, brighter future. Earth is also showing the signs of decay and growing old and we humans see of it as global warming. 

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