Sunday 24 August 2014

Dead Happiness

"Make people laugh and you'll be happy."
That was the motto that I used to live by before it struck me. The person who sad that only cared for his happiness. I did what I was asked to do. I made everyone around me happy. I made them laugh. I became happy because I was able to bring joy and happiness around me. But as the time passed on, this happiness started to recede and it was too late before I realised what had happened. My happiness had started to decay. Making people happy was a part of my routine. I did that without any hesitation. Many a times I ended up making a fool out of myself. People became so sued to me making them laugh that whenever they would see me, they'd expect some sort of joke. They would stop just for a laugh. No one cared for me. The real me.
I got sick and people would only call when they would realise that they had not had a good laugh for sometime. No one cared for the person behind the comical nature. I thought I'd be different, I thought I'd stand out, but then I realised that I was just another brick in the wall of society. I was used too this, I decided to give it another try. I knew the final result of my endeavours but I still continued making people laugh. I joked around till my happiness was dead. My soul was dead. 

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