Thursday 23 January 2020

Finding Crazy

2020. Its been a while since I added something on this blog, and what better way to kick things off than to start of with a rejection. Let me start by disclosing the fact that I suck at social cues and reading signs and body language of person and what little skill I've amassed over the years goes away when I start a conversation over text. I started 2020 off following the same mantra I do every year, "New Year, New Me", and the new me asked a girl if she wanted to grab drinks on Saturday. That did not work but it was a nice experience as she turned me down rather nicely.
"I am crazy", she said. "You don't want to have drinks with crazy."
In these trying times, I personally believe that everyone has gone and has a little crazy in them. The internet is a beautiful place and it is more than just an information highway, it is also a place to escape, explore, and embody ideas that you would not in the brick and mortar society. Every one we know has an online personality, your shy friend at work could just as well be a notorious troll on some message boards somewhere. The crazy I speak of is just the an amalgamation of our online and offline personalities.
The blog gets a new post after a pretty long hiatus. The hiatus happened because I met a crazy girl who's crazy matched my crazy and kind of lost track of time. Her crazy allowed to her deal with and have fun when I did something stupid because of my crazy. Man talk about going crazy with all of this crazy talk? But funnily enough, we bonded because we were "crazy" compatible (see what I did there).
Like all things in life, good and bad, we wound up going our separate ways and I was left with my crazy alone. I still miss not having someone to share my crazy with and find myself reminiscing about the time long gone. Now, I think I am finally ready to go out into the stupid crazy ass world and find another crazy girl, someone who's crazy matches mine.

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