Friday 13 June 2014

Life in Campus

           I think this is perhaps the most exciting phase in anyone's life who has been to a college. There is something about the campus life that is just thrilling and adventurous in its own way. Whether it being running away from the wardens after doing something wrong or searching for the birthday boy with thick slippers in hand ready to strike, something about the college life and the hostel life that becomes an integral part of one's life. Its been almost ten months that I moved to my college and have been living in the hostel but I've had my share of experiences.
           Lets start of with our initiation week where everyone is extremely friendly, people making groups and exploring the campus. Every guy staring and wanting to get the hottest or the prettiest girl, so basically everyone is happy and joyous in the first week at least. By the time the second week arrives, some people take refuge in their own rooms and come out seldom only for food or at very rare occasions to attend some class.
           There are some people who blend in with everyone and are often seen around with a bunch of people in the morning and with some totally different people in the evening. Makes me wonder if those people would ever find true happiness but about that later, then there are people who actually make extremely good friends in the first couple of weeks itself and there friendships tend to last more. There are some who might get into a relationship within the two weeks and someone who might be friend-zoned and be completely unaware about it.
            By the end of the first month, almost everyone is well acquainted with everyone in the batch and people also get to know about each others talent during that time. What I missed in all this was the introduction to our seniors and the things that they make us do. Its fun, and they intend to do all that only for some fun, but then there are some people who would go crying about this innocent fun and get seniors in trouble which would ruin the relationship of the two batches, slightly ruining the fun of college life.
           Then comes the time of exams where people are running all over the campus in the morning trying to find the nearest and available nerd who would be willing to teach them and at night the campus is noisy with the microwaves voices, people trying to mug up  concepts, some room filled with six to seven people doing a group study and so on. After the first exam, everyone gets to know who is who and everyone becomes sad who did not perform well for the exams.
           After the end of the first semester, everyone becomes happy as they get to go home and that is the time where if you are left out at the university, you get the best speed over wifi, but the food is still shitty and the university becomes a ghost town. Oh yes, I forgot to mention about the food, it horrible half the times, its only good when some important person is visiting or when there is some special occasion.  Other than that, people reply on junk food like maggie, wai-wai or some other noodles.
          There are times of intra college competitions when the college also seems to come back to life as everyone seems to running around cheering for their house to win. Another exciting part of college life is the fest. Students using their contacts or getting contacts from somewhere and putting it to good use by calling people and inviting them for the fest.
         Some people do nothing, well most people do nothing and some of them do but get little or no credit but in the end its fun. There are some teachers who are fun and there are some who are made fun off. Teachers who keep snooping in rooms and teachers who themselves do weed. There is always a shady guy in every batch, a chatty guy, a guy no one likes but still keep him around because his services might be of some use, and some guy like me.
        All in all the hostel life is something that makes a smarter, lazier or a better person out of you and I am lucky to have good friends to enjoy it to the fullest.

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